28 Feb 20th March – Waggle Dance Launch Party
Start your festival here!
Returning to her home turf, Natalie Coleman, winner of BBC One’s MasterChef 2013 opens Cultivate Festival. You’ll get the chance to meet Natalie, find out the latest festival buzz,
speak to our hive of bee experts and enjoy an evening of bee-themed music and performance to kick off Cultivate.
Just as bees announce news of the best neighbourhood nectar with a waggle dance, we encourage our guests to carry news of the Cultivate Festival programme across the borough.
Launch Party Line up includes : Opening speeches from Natalie Coleman and festival organisers. Ask the experts – look out for our bee experts in stripes to answer your beekeeping questions. Collect your Cultivate Grow Your Own Challenge pack.
Pick a sour dough starter portion as part of the Cultivate Grow Your Own Challenge from the Fermentarium. See if you can keep it alive and make different bread from it – recipes and advice also available from the Fermentarium. Sour dough makes deliciously tasty bread – it’s
made by a long fermentation of dough which needs weekly feeding. Some bakers can keep it growing to serve their bakeries for generations.
Local writer and performer, Rob Auton, will be reading from his brand new book, Petrol Honey. Poet in residence at Glastonbury festival 2014. Awarded funniest joke at Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2013. Auntie Maureen cranks her 1930’s gramophone. Feel free to dance…
Food lovingly produced by Norman Loves and a specially brewed Cultivate honey beer by the Left Bank Brewery at Blackhorse Workshop.
Blackhorse Workshop
1–2 Sutherland Rd Path
Walthamstow E17 6BX
Booking in advance via: