10 Mar Pop Up Food Growing Information Sessions
Look out for local food growing experts at a venue near you!
This was a great opportunity to get one-to-one advice about your own food growing ideas for 2016; to pick up your Cultivate Grow Your Own Starter Pack, and information about food growing projects in the borough.
Pop Ups are planned in the run up to our food produce shows in Cultivate September.
Dates and locations held during Spring Cultivate :
Thursday 10th March:
2- 5pm The Mall, Walthamstow.
The Secret Seed Society will be on hand to answer questions about propagating seeds as you pick up your Grow Your Own Starter Packs. While you are there, claim a whopping 50% discount on their Secret Seed Society book box set!
Saturday 12th March:
10 – 1pm Leytonstone Market nr Matalan, Pick up seed packs and chilli seedlings from the growers of Church Lane Community Garden
9- 1pm Shernhall St Methodist Church Hall Table Top Sale, E17 Beans on Balconies team is sharing seeds for summer crops and resources for potting on winter seedlings
11-2pm Pick up Cultivate Starter Pack and more at the Organiclea Seed Swap. Organiclea market stall, Hornbeam, Hoe St TBC
1-3pm Ive Farm Pocket Park opening
From our Cultivate Partners:
1-3pm Church Lane Community Garden, Leytonstone – Compost Skillshare
So you’ve taken home your share of green waste compost from the Big Compost Giveaway. What now? In this skillshare, we’ll look at ways of using garden compost, whether made at home or by the local waste authority. We’ll demonstrate ways to refine and mature your compost supply, and how to use it and other materials in seed starting and container growing.
Participants will be able to take home some of the seed compost we make on the day. Please RSVP at cg@transitionleytonstone.org.uk
Sunday 13th March:
2-2.30pm & 3.30-4pm Leytonstone Library: Cultivate Seed Swap with seed stock from Organiclea and the Church Lane Community Garden as we get ready for our Preparing the Ground talk and enjoy refreshments before the Gardeners’ Q&A
From our Cultivate Partners:
2- 4pm Pimp Hall Nature Reserve with Kids Kitchen & Outdoor Learning with Walk the Loop