27 May What To Do In the Garden & Eat The Seasons – June
Another Bank Holiday and a new month beckons, so here’s what to do in the garden in June:
Summer begins towards the middle of June and the days are warmer and filled with the colour and scent of flowers. Salad crops can be harvested this month and strawberries appear in abundance. June is the time to really enjoy the garden as the long, warm days and light evenings provide more time for leisure and relaxation.
June is classically the month of the rose but many other shrubs, flowers and plants will be giving of their best.

However, its not all easy going this month, weeds will need constant hoeing and removal, especially around the vegetable garden, flower beds, fruit bushes and shrubbery. Keep watering newly planted, young and particularly thirsty plants, such as salad vegetables, tomatoes and dahlias.
Conditions in the greenhouse can quickly become tropical on sunny days, so keep it well ventilated and apply shading paint or put up screens if not already done. Also dowse the greenhouse ground/path with water regularly to keep moisture levels up.
June is the perfect time to taking many types of cuttings, which is a light and enjoyable task and provides the welcome benefit of providing many new flowers, plants and shrubs for free, so can be very rewarding.
All manor of pests, insects and birds will be after ripening fruit and succulent, young growth, in both the vegetable and ornamental garden, so your skills in outwitting them will certainly be tested this month.
Source: http://www.seasonalgardening.co.uk/
Eat The Seasons – JUNE
Here’s what’s seasonally good this month:
artichoke, asparagus, aubergine, beetroot, broad beans, broccoli, carrots, chillies, courgettes, fennel, french beans, garlic, jersey royal new potatoes, kohlrabi, lettuce & salad leaves, mangetout, new potatoes, onions, pak choi, peas, radishes, rocket, runner beans, samphire, spinach, spring onions, tomatoes, turnips, watercress, wild nettles
apricots [i], bilberries, blueberries, cherries, gooseberries, greengages, kiwi fruit [i], peaches [i], strawberries
basil , chervil, chives, coriander, dill, elderflowers, oregano, mint, nasturtium, parsley (curly), parsley (flat-leafed), rosemary, sage, sorrel, tarragon, thyme
lamb, wood pigeon
cod, coley, crab, haddock, halibut, herring, langoustine, plaice, pollack, prawns, salmon, sardines, scallops (queen), sea bream, sea trout, shrimp, squid, whelks, whitebait
Source: http://www.eattheseasons.co.uk