Cultivate WF
News Archives - Cultivate Waltham Forest
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Sunday's Produce Show was a great day out packed with food growing fun and information from all the Cultivate Festival partners. We were delighted by the number of entries into the show. Thanks to everyone involved and to the very supportive crowds who attended and...

3 September, 12-6pm at Leytonstone Street Fest Enter your best crops and recipes this Sunday. Pop along to find out more about food growing initiatives in Waltham Forest. Ask our experts: advice will be on hand with food growing tips and ideas for what to make...

Sunday 3 September | 12pm-7pm | Free entry Cultivate Marquee, Leytonstone Street Fest, Church Lane Car Park, Leytonstone E11   Are you a local Urban Food Champion? Are you a Waltham Forest business or community enterprise growing, producing or selling food? The Cultivate Produce Show invites you to enter it's first...

To celebrate the harvest season Waltham Forest Council in partnership with London Waste are organising free compost to refresh your growing plots. Bring a shovel and bags to help yourself. The Big Compost Giveaway will take place from Friday 8th September to Sunday 17th September 2017 at...

Cultivate Waltham Forest Promises A Spectacular September Harvest Championing local urban food growing - Waltham Forest food growers and producers celebrate their autumn harvest successes and share their skills…. The Cultivate Produce Show on Sunday 3 September at Leytonstone Street Fest invites growers at all levels to enter...

We have a great selection of images that give you a taster of the joy that is the Waltham Forest Cultivate Food Festival!  If you missed an event here's a chance to have a quick view of what happened.  Click on the images to view. [caption...

  All Day, 1-6pm: Cirque du Surplus. Help create the biggest fruit salad Leytonstone has ever seen! Thought provoking street theatre about the journey our food takes from anti food waste campaign This is Rubbish. Children's Area. Mini produce show judges are invited to sample, test and play in...

  No sooner will the Cultivate Food Festival be moving into autumn when another great food growing event comes alive! Capital Growth has organised this London-wide garden open day to showcase the diverse and delicious community food growing scene in the city, and to give newcomers a...

Celebrate the harvest season at Cultivate Festival! Pick up expert growing tips, make delicious preserves with your surplus crops and find out how to keep growing over winter. Enter your home grown harvest successes in the Cultivate Produce Show. Learn about fermenting, pickling, sprouting, fungi, herbs, fruit growing and the science of soil in workshops hosted...