25 Jun Open Day, Sunday 26 June, 12-4pm, Hawkwood Nursery
Open Day, Sunday 26 June, 12-4pm, Hawkwood Nursery
Hawkwood’s open day features the launch of its special Barbed Wit rhubarb beer made by the East London Brewing Company. Ruaridh from the brewery joined Hawkwood’s grower Ru to harvest the ru-barb… it’s also their annual tribute to the poet John Clare. Other attractions include a family drumming workshop, a bargain plant sale, and the usual forest school, farm stall, growers’ workshop, lunch, coffee and cake treats all in a beautiful woodland setting. Midsummer mayhem!
12-4pm All day coffee, cake and delicious locally grown lunch served, plus a farm stall for buying Hawkwood produce, jams, chutneys, fruit cordials, oils and vinegars.
12-4pm All day bargain plant sale – the last few plants from Hawkwood’s glasshouse which are desperate for a home in the soil, going cheap.
12-1.15pm Plant care workshop – take part in this seasonal task to learn all about how to look after your growing plants; this month’s focus is on rhubarb care.
12-3pm Hawkwood Woodland School – a drop-in family learning session offering outdoor play and holistic learning for children and families. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Please email londonforestschool[at]gmail.com with the name and age of your children if you plan to attend, so we have an idea of numbers. There is no charge for this session.
2pm Sound Journey in the Forest – a singing and drumming workshop for kids and parents led by Api and Regina.
2pm ‘I found the poems in the fields’: John Clare Site tour – join a tour around the Hawkwood site which celebrates the life and work of John Clare, poet of nature and visionary of the effects of land enclosures past and present.
3pm Rhubarb Beer – the launch. Find out more about the amazing rhubarb plant and its properties, and the beer-making process, and most importantly, taste the Barbed Wit beer!
Directions to the Hawkwood site including bus, rail and river-cycle routes are here. Parking available at the site.